Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Within Me...

HTML clipboard
We were talking in a previous blog on the '2009 Predictions'
about the change in belief from Piscesan age to Aquarian age... 
from "who will Save me" to "I will ..."

My friend who has helped me from time to time, Kathryn Perry ~
when I need a bit of guidance again has an amazing method
It is truly Self Reliance: 

We all know what is being reported about the economy and the job situation, but I am not worried at all!


Number one because I know the secret to my success is within ME. It is the power of The One Command® that has unlocked my greater capacity to create the right solution to every problem.

I found her by radio show interview here...
you can also read her January Newsletter there as well...
you can see a part of it discussed on Tiger Swami today as well...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Be the Captain of your ship...

Even if you decide to work for someone else while you are getting your path prepared...
You can decide how you do your work.

will you take responsibility for what you do, or just sort of show up and do as little as possible?

With all the folks being laid off now...
the time is ripe for those who are will to work
and do even a little more than they are paid for...
to be the ones who will keep what jobs there may be...

Maybe your plan for the new year is to just keep a solid foot, take no changes but
plod along steadily in a positive direction to your goal...

Jupiter is heading into Capricorn, get your dream solid...

Have a solid plan...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Your Voice...

Many peopel aren't sure why we need a change in WA DC...
and a whole lot more folks don't know what kind of a change they do want...

remember Tiger Swmai's KIV
we have to know the out come we want...
then the universe can help us focus on that point and bring it into manifestation.
Just wanting change is not enough..

dought this --? well
let see
we could go Communist>.. we don't want that- but it would be change
a dictatorship- no thanks - but a change - corp ruled or King ruled- I think we have that now...

the Israelis were given their freedom by God---
but they wanted and prayed for a King - they demanded a King
God said they didn't need one and pointed out
all of the reasons why they would be disappointed...
Well they demanded one
- got one; and were...

An enlightened person can govern himself / herself - that is why Jesus gave us only
one commandment to: LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THY SELF
and a couple to go with that ~we didn't need the 10 anymore...

But think back - were those 10 even good enough for Moses?
NOPE. He had to make them into 100 and even more...
These are called Mosaic Law - our legal foundation even today...
Why? Because the people were just stupid- they weren't enlightened...
they did not even what it...

So What Kind of Change do you visualise?
the: let the politicians do what's best ?
they forgot to add for the masses and they do it for them selves, now...

Great Movie if you aren't sure: Legally Blond 2...
it explains a lot and how to deal with it...
"You can't get the people to care - they believe what we want them to believe.." politician -- "Oh, yea Watch me..." Elle...
But simply put: IF our elected Politicians did there job to represent us... and keep integrity, truth, vigilance etc., etc.
then we wouldn't need a savior...
and we would be able to do our job as well.
most of us don't 'cause the system is broken - but now we may be able to fix things....

Let's get what we want...

Find your Voice
Use it...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's all in the stars...

yep, but what if you want to change your stars?
jee, can one do that?

Well, has anyone we can study?
hummm... well Parmahamsa Yogananda did just that...

He was supposed to have married several times and done this and that...
- He decided he would be a monk- and create many things to benefit humanity...
~He did just that - will his will power. KIV...

The Autobiography of a Yogi started me off on my path.
Colin over at Tiger Swami - mentioned he did as well...

Colin told me he even locates people by using his antennas like Yogananda did in his book to find someone he was looking for...

So go with your path that God has placed you on, or change it when you are divinely inspired to do so..

Yogananda even asked his astrologers the worst time to begin a project and that is when he would start it, carry it through to completion, and begin another - just to show to himself that he could do anything he put his mind to. ( FOCUS on KIV= keep in view -Tiger Swami)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Box...

Sometimes it's just better to let the person on the Soap Box


so, as I am planning today (New Moon in Cap & all)

check out Joni's '2009 Predictions'

or if you are not sure

check out Tiger Swami

KIV as Colin Says...

Happy planning today...

I'm looking at the sun and the pansies smiling back at it...

Friday, December 26, 2008

New Moon on Saturday...

Great day to begin planing for the New Year...

what will it bring?
I just listened to my friend Joni Patry's interview
called '2009 Predictions' very impressive...

A tough year coming up... for none light workers...

Are you a light worker? 
How to tell:
Do you meditate, ~ pray daily?
Send light to for the highest good to all on the planet and beyond?

do ask 'Who am I?

do you drink more pure water than soda-pop?
eat more fresh fruit than white sugar?

do you do some healthy exercise? Yoga, chi gong, walking, swimming and the like?

Then you are a light worker...

Do you believe that someone will save you?
or do you know you have saved yourself...

Listen to Joni if you are not sure here...

Flue shots are hyped as great but watch out...
think about who is telling you this...

Iodine daily can kill many pathogens even Malaria that modern medicine can't touch...

and organ cleansing and supportive herbs and fresh garlic 3x's daily can kill off any invaders too.

You can get ready for 2009
with a strong heart...

This new moon is about setting down strong roots...
in western astrology,  a new view as well in Vedic or Sidereal ~ like Joni

so hit the map room,
turn on your weather radio
find out where the storms are what kind for 2009

Then pick up your supplies
stock your vessel
set the sails on Monday

Reach your goal...

Gently let others know...
suggest they do things to get more healthy...
meditate more

and Smile more
~ now you know...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Radiate Love today...

Celebrate the birth of Christ?


Perhaps today emulate Jesus even more...
Think on his qualities...
Honesty, healing, giving, forgiving, loving...

Attempt to serve others more today...
If you are given to ...
accept with true gratitude and inner acknowledgment of the givers energy...
try to put others interests ahead of yours today by 3

give 3 times more than you receive...
not necessarily overtly, but in consciousness.

look around and see if others are enjoying, relaxing, eating, resting
if they need a little hand, be there...
maybe you could try to anticipate their needs,
and have it ready for them..

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nice 'N Juicy...

Keep it Juicy

We all love sweet juicy fruit

sweet water --

juicy kisses...

Juice is life...

it is flowing...

We like soft skin, not dry...

moist lips
-not cracking from dehydration...

please drink enough water...

How much? see the radio show...

Folks this time of year drink everything else but water...
coffee, tea, soda or pop, stuff with booze in it...
all of these actually take the water out of you...

herbal teas are fine,
have you tried ginger, pau darko, or Hawthorn berry?

Willard water in some purified or distilled water is great...

With all the eating this time of year egg nog and all
be sure to get your 6- 8 glasses of water in too...

Keep your body fluids juicy too - all of them;
if not...
get a bit of advice... but personally I prefer the natural methods...
no drugs..

Try a juicy apple

drink your water pure boiled 10 minutes if you don't have a distiller, or purifier

Monday, December 22, 2008

Here Comes Santa Claus...

Who is that on the roof?
in the stores with kids on his lap?

Why is he not in churches?

oooppps did I hit a nerve?

Christ only served others and so with Santa Claus

well any way I guess Santa has been turned into a gimmick to get us into the malls,
stores, shops to buy things for the kids, and people we care about.

What do we give them the rest of year?

I hope the same as Jesus gave daily...

May the spirit of Santa give daily as well...
generosity, joviality, good wishes too,

to all of you
Coming to a chimney near you...
in just a day or two --

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Then New begins...

What a different 'feel' today has
-Sun in a new sign, Solstice over, yet colder...

By just emperic eveidence we would beleive not in global warming...
if we only looked at today and maybe a week before...

sometimes we have to take history into consideration to get a better view of our habbits and trends...

Do you journal? it may help.
many good things written on this subject so I won't go more into it...

I does require hope and beleife that what has happend before will come again...

yes the sun has 'gone south' but we know from history that it comes back...

Faith in truth is needed in our darkest hourses along with paitience...

Enjoy the day
read some inspiring stories like 'little Budha' or the Bible, Ramayana or...

FAITH: Today is a new day...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Giant Stones in Australia?...

Australia or not?

Right ~ NOT !

But this is what they would see right now if it were...

This the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge June of 2005.
Sunrise.... Credit:

This is one of the many Astronomical sites of the ancient world. Actually it was an Astrological site as the two were the same science until the church got involved.
Enjoy the day....

Happy Solstice...

Today is the day the earth stops tilting southward...
like you come to stop sign , look both ways then go on your way...

Today the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn...
Having looked far down the road...Judgin our effectiveness of the past year...
with sun in Sagitarious now leaving it...Capricorn is about setting down strong roots,
to grown tall and strong..
this in Western Astrology.

This gives us in the Northern latitudes, the longest day - 4 seconds longer than yesterday.
Tomorrow the Sun will appear to begin it's journey back north and the shortest day
~June the Summer Solstice...

Why do we celebrate this time of year?
probably because it is cold...and dark for a long time...

and until radio, TV, Internet came along we had little to do...

Couldn't even have much sex in the house with kids, grandma and all..
so my guess is having the holidays now got all these folks with something to do,
cook, decorate, make gifts for each other...
stories to tell by the fire...

But is it much different? energy wise?

Well for some it is difficult for sure ~ the lack of sunlight and vitamin D
really gets to them - more illness, more mental fatigue...

So we, in the Northern countries of the West,
are programed now for the celebrations we have grown up with..

What ever the real reason was
~ it is party time,
family time,
HOLY Time,
Buy Gifts Time
Make gifts time...
get sad time...(for some)
get drunk time (for some)
Meditation time
Prayer time...
Goal Setting time for the new year...

What ever you do it is your choice...
I celebrate your right to make that choice...
I celebrate your path in consciousness raising celebration...

Happiest of Days...

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Darkest Night...

is just before...

Solstice Dawn...

yep this is the one; the longest night of the year...

Sometimes Patience is called for ~ with preparation of course.

We prepare for the holidays with goodies, warmth, cheery colorful & bright things...

We prepare for the longer winter up here in N America - the southern hemisphere folks for summer as they have the shortest night of year... Balance...

What do we want ~~what do they want?

What ever it may be we do need a bit of Patience...

So the principal for today is
Patience... all things will change...

Blessing in your special way of Celebrating the major Change of Seasons...

Know that the Sun will come back into your life again...

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Irrigation in the desert is best by the drip method...

The water penetrates deeper,
moistens the soil more effectively,
uses much less water,
and is very cost effective...

Learning & teaching are about the same...

If you cram for test the night before you may get an A....
for a minute you may have the facts down...

But to learn it - integrate it, own it, duplicate it, have it as part of your being...
get a little of it
the meditate on it...
reflect on it...
use it....
work with it...
teach it to a few others...

Very effective, most efficient...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Stitch in time...

You remember?

Saves nine...yep

(I thought you would ...)

Timely repairs or timely words or encouragement
are really wonderful, effective, and go miles to
let the other know you care...

Employees are receiving - well wrong word
not receiving the usual holiday parties, bonuses and more...

while management does ...

What message does that send to your employees...
Communication does need to be verbal..
Oh, read some in a great series over on the
Sparkling Gold blog on good comm..

Mr Ford the CEO of Ford Motor Comp. ~grandson of Henry ~ was on
Larry King cnn last evening...

Wonderful to watch his passion for the auto industry, humanity, and his partners the Ford dealers...
one of who called and was driven into bankruptcy by the Ford Credit Comp.
Mr Ford was not ruffled in any way, he expressed he did not know of this situation.
He agreed he would look into the matter...

Now imagine he had know and put in  stitch to stop this from occurring?

But any time is better than no time...

Late is better than never....

BUT remember: timely is by far the best..

So, in our too active life style, take the time
Take the time

Take the time

required, to do it right...
fix it right.
say it right...

smile a little- then share it with others...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Slow Growth...

The oldest living trees in the world are thought to be on a mountain top on the California - Nevada boarder -
the bristlecone pine...

it isn't much to look at, not vary tall, looks have dead,
yet it is the oldest...

and grows slowly, so we have time to get things right...

Take it easy... experiment a bit, be gentle on yourself...

Walk the path that has been laid out before you...

(some of these are just under 5,000 years old...)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Self Reliance...

This has been an American theme even before the famous writings of our forefathers...

but do we believe it?

Believe is the word...

do you believe in a savior?
Or do you Know inside who your are?

Can you reley on yourself?

Can you trust yourself?

Or do you depend on others to save your bu...hind...?

this is indeed the coming crisis in the US and around the world...
do  you know that every culture has in its roots a Savior Story?

This seems to be due to us entering the sign of Pisces in the Procession of the equinoxes, about 2000 years ago and the age of belief was ushered in.  I believe is the keyword of Pisces...

The age of Aquarius has a few years left to go to get into it but many of us on the planet are getting into the mind set or consciousness now...

The key word is 'I know'
It is the looking inside for the savior and knowing that
You are that one and that all is alright...

It is joining with a few friends in small groups and meditating on love - mutual support...

Remember how in Sep 9 -11 we all pulled together?
This is the knowing spirit of Self Reliance...

we didn't wait for a savior of the government to do XXXX we just got in there and did it...
this is spirit of 'I know'

As we move through the next few years -this coming year especially .
see how people are moving into a more spiritual mindset,, but...
look to polarization of two divers groups...

One spirituality based on or driven by fear...
you do this or....

The other is based on Love or mutual support...
small groups getting together to share their energies in creating love...
mutual support...

So as you are moving around meeting others:
Observe to see if they are manipulating others to believe there way...
Or if they are just there to support others finding there own way...

Spirituality by coercion, domination or fear...or fight the enemy etc., etc.
Spirituality by helping others find there own way...
with like minded folks getting together to share energies for the common good...

so Develop Self Reliance...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Somewhere in the night...

Magic happens
the World turns
Stars fall, comets move, dreams come and go, the Asian markets go up and down...
We sleep, we dream, we seldom remember...
though some do...

What do we do consciously?...
'I am neither mind nor body
Immortal self I am
I am Witness of 3 states
I am Knowledge absolute'

I quoted this song a short time back...
What are the 3 states?
Is consciousness one of the 3 states?
sort of...
Waking, dream, deep sleep are the 3 states...
Lets look at Waking state...

We have the conscious state here
- the one where you are HERE !
we also have the subconscious states the automatic states...
the habit states of mind...
we may call this the excuse state...
You know: my car broke down, my cat puked on the carpet, I ran out of gas, I got the wrong directions, and so on and and on...

When will take the move to choose to be our own commander and live by our word...
I will be here at 8 o'clock sharp - but it's OK if the traffic keeps me away...
well we all depend on what another says or does if they are part of our team....

So the challenge here is can you create?

or do you just follow the currents?
Can you create you own path when the currents are going the other way?
Can you make it to where you say you will be on time?
It is a miracle if you can...

and many do have this spiritual power to move heaven and earth to do so...

if you can't as yet
-- you haven't developed this in you.
so the conscious state has a lot to master in it...

but who it the 'witness of 3 states?'
that is what you can find...
for now just know that some do and you can also, learn to monitor all 3 of these states...

I am I here now? (Interest, inquisitive) ...
'no i was thinking of a chocolate cake'a nice day dream
- but is it effective in traveling to your target?
Or will end somewhere in the night on a rock like the Alaskan Valdez oil tanker?

Are you asleep at the wheel?
Or do you even know there is a Wheel in your life?

Some regularly remember their dreams,
David could even interpret them for Pharaohs..

Awakening day!
What more can you become?
Just remember Clint " A man's got to know his limitations"

while your body can't fly (Though I love the dreams in which I do just that)
we can astrally do so;
we can create devises and machines to fly with...

It is all about that witness
- who is that?


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Duty Calls...

The sound of the bugles calls to duty...

In this day & age you are here by choice - western world anyway...
What ever duty you take on - give it your all.

If you are a mother - do your duty, a father - same... you know
be responsible....

but what does this mean?

re- sponse -able = able to respond - I add correctly & appropriately respond...

this means you are present, here, awake, rested, in a neutral mood, and ready to assume the proper response.

So you need to do your duty to your self first... so you can be ready...

Right food ( not drunk)
attitude, - positive thinking and mediation
balanced exercise,
mood under control
right training...

think about these things...
do your self first...
to respond Be Prepared

Friday, December 12, 2008

Use Sex...

Gold is found in many places, but looks ugly in most...

Why? because it needs to be purified...

sometimes it is found as a pure nugget
~ beautiful, shiny, valuable

But more of it is in the tailing of the mine, bonded with the dirt or other minerals.

One way to get at it is to heat it to high temperatures so that all is left is the Pure Gold...

Other methods are there as well.

|The basic idea is to raise the vibration of the sample to pure gold by eliminating all of the impurities...

The same in consciousness...

Lets look at Sex for example
(I see my friend on Sparking Gold blogged about Sex today)

do you know the highest searches on the internet are on Sex related?

Pron out sells them all...

so lets individually take this energy and purify it...

How? Tantra Yoga, use Colin's gazing exercise he mentioned.

Raise the vibration from the porn arena to the empowering launch pad...

This is a very powerful force in our lives - we have been trained to stifle the sex drive...
Sure try to hold, Vesuvius down...
Mt St Helen's...

So better to try to work with this energy, refine it, use it for empowerment and consciousness raising...
and healing too.. this force will heal...

think and grow rich talked about channeling & controlling this force into sales and business...

Through a hand shake, a gaze, the power of your words...

Gandhi had sex 4 times producing 4 kids and birthed a Nation... he took a vow of celibacy.

But this is not for everyone.

I Believe God has given you a path to follow... follow this path and
uplift yourself at every occasion...

CANI  = Constant And Never Ending Improvement...

this principle is:


Thursday, December 11, 2008


Appreciate the beauty around you...

Appreciate the diversity around you...

Everyone has their own way...

You go yours... let them go theirs

Let them be "right' in their own world...

You be you in yours...


when you find mean people  appreciate their intensity and just move on...

But it is ok to hiss... if you need too...just be calm inside inside...

The Snake...

This one slithered one day up to scantily clad old man with a long beard,
he coiled ready to strike - anticipating an stick or stone attack on himself...
But he found the old man just calmly sitting, a little smile on his face, eyes half open...

So the snake sat coiled and waited to see what would happen.
Nothing happened, after several hours, after several days,...

It was getting cold fall the snake inched closer and finally after no harmful actions from the old man sitting...
he climbed up into his lap.... It was comfy and warm...

The old man the next morning said to snake , thank you for keeping me company, I must go now, is the something I can give you?

Then snake just said he wanted to have the peace the old man has... The saintly old man agreed and gave him instructions on what to do.

One these was of course do no harm - don't bite anyone...the old man left.

Years latter he returned to the same place and inquired in the village about his student the snake?
No one had seen him for several years, none were bitten either...

so the Saint sat in the same spot and waited.

After a few days the snake slowly crept up to him - all battered and disfigured...sat in the saints lap...
With a twinkle in his eyes the Old saint asked him what had happened?
The snake explained that when the villagers discovered he would no longer bite,
Kids just tormented him, beating him with sticks and stones....
so he just crawled under a rock and hid...

The saint chuckled and said gently
~ "I didn't say you couldn't hiss !"

Hissing is OK, anger is not...

It's the inner state that matters....


Hiss if necessary...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Many ways to give

Your time, money, resources, advice...

Most of the time we do so for money, for an exchange.

If that is all you do - that is fine...

You may want to just give a little more each time,
than you are paid for.

Do-gooders are really a pain in the ass
just like kids who squeeze their pet rabbit
too hard and kill them -believing they are showing them love...

The rabbit didn't think so....

Learning to be helpful is an art. You can waste a lot of time
just looking for ways to help others...

I know a famous American Chi gong master living in a mansion now, who was broke, hungry, living on the street. A wealthy insurance man found him.
Invited him into his conference room, to have all the coffee and tea he wanted,
to stay as long as he liked during the days of the coming week; to listen to Nightingale Conant records.

This changed his life.
Gave him a way out, hope, a goal and A plan of action...

This was helpful, not a do-gooder...

If a person asks ~ help them ~if you can. (If you have the resources, time etc.)
The wise know when to keep silent (which is most of time)
The stupid try to convert everyone they meet...

If you are waling down the street and nice older lady
has a bit of trouble getting up the curb - help her
and walk on...(you are not really going out of your way)

You see a person on the side of street car broken down, dark night, not many around?
How to help?
Call the police or 9-1-1 stay in your car for both of your safety sake...

This is an Art, not a requirement.

You know the joke about God on the back of the bike?
Guy struggling to pedal up the hill asks the almighty for help...
God gets on the back of the bike - a 2 seater and pedals as well...
Guy finds it so easy he crosses his arms, light a cigarette and stops pedaling...
Bike stops, Guy asks God -what happened?
God answers...I said I would help, not do it for you...

Maybe you just need to give someone

your little smile, that may help more than you know...

Hug your self...


Monday, December 8, 2008


In the Silence is:

readiness, willingness, focus

The Tiger, when stalking prey, is silent;
purring after words...

When we are focused we breath slowly - only a little...

the mind becomes sharp,

all senses are "listening"

Ever been in an auto accident?  Time slows down...

Be the tiger

when planning your work - keep silence...
when doing the hardest task --- keep silence...

If you are chattering away while you work...
your mind is not in it and you are on auto pilot...

there is a time for everything...

When you need more focus:
keep the silence


feel the purring of success...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Seek good counsel..

Satsang (a)
Hanging out with the wise
This is a principle Tony Robbins refers to as modeling.
a very old principle indeed...

Our minds are like monkeys - monkey see monkey do... Right?

So, read great peoples comments, when you need advice seek out the best advisers.
Our president elect is setting up his cabinet along these lines right now...

so if you want good results, go to good people who have mastered producing the results you want to have...

An old way finding good advise was to take a holy book or recognized book of authority,
place it spine done on the table,
let it go
read where ever it opens up to...
oops yep ask your question first...

It has been said that statistics don't lie -statisticians do...
continue this:
Astrology doesn't lie - astrologers do --
the law doesn't lie - lawyers do (expert Perry Mason... & others like him - I know a few)

So, the point is: the quality of the advisor that you want.

A mundane astrologer can tell you when win a war, get married (or not), do biz with this person or not etc. but they can't read for your spirit...

A mental astrologer or a psychological one can read for the above and your mental well being.

A spiritual astrologer can read all the above (but may not do so by choice) but can show you the best way for your spiritual growth.

Yogi Bahjan taught martial arts, and marital arts, and yoga to his followers.

Paramahamsa Yogananda taught love and devotion, to his.

Vivekananda taught truth and Intellectual yoga to his.

Swami Shivananda taught all forms of yoga.

All of these are incredible masters but one may be better for your temperament and path...

And none of them may your path... Yours maybe the military path, fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan...

I know one man who entered WWII and lied about his age - he wasn't old enough.
Yet in north Africa against Rommel, the Desert Fox: he was the sole survivor of his massacred unit.

The Israelis latter recruited him to teach their troops what ever he knew....

He is now a Shaman, and a Bishop in the First Church of Antioch. and bullets are said to have just past right through him...
Truth or .... well I won't test him... but he can effectively block a punch...

Pre -Paid legal is an inexpensive quality legal service where you can get quality advise, on legal & business matters .

There are many good advisers out there. There are many bad ones too..

Which kind will you be?

Do you drag your students to a conclusion? or do you let them make there own?
Do you help them make there own?

Teaching is about bringing out what is already in there releasing the inherant knowledge.
Not about 'training' this is different: Training is about building skills for a specific task, or job.
A trainer is just like a dog trainer, getting to be competent at known level of expertise for a specific task - like in the military... or begining a 9-11 operator interfacing with the police and fire departments, lives depend on you...

So before you sign up for class, you need to take responsibility for your training...teaching..
you have to know your outcome... and then compare it with the outcome of class find out the goals of the teacher...

You need to take control your path...
get good advisers, some get this from within...

Wow a good day...

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Fasting is an interesting word - it does make you go faster...

Strange as it implies giving something up
such as food.

Well with computers we can understand how this would work...
If we have say 8 programs running all at once it may be slowing down the operating speed.
so closing some of these programs ~ for a while ~fasting = faster processing.

Our bodies are the same.
We eat more than we can digest (process) = slower, sluggish, gas, acid reflux etc., etc.
We fast on lemon juice - say for a day or two or 4 a month = we have more energy = we go faster, think faster to...

Our brains are usually in a random search mode, hopping from subject to another, following threads of info, (Oh, that reminds me of ...) and off we go..

Lost focus. This is just a habit; and it is an energy waste.
Think of your driving down the freeway at 70 miles an hour and you put the cruise control on
= best gas mileage - right? more efficient - right?
OK, now if you drove your car like you let your mind drive (and it is driving and not you - it is in a crazy cruise control habit); you drive 78 then 54 then 92 then 43 and so on... what are the relults?

= ridiculous gas mileage, increased costs, saps, your savings, steals from your future and ....

you get the idea.

so take a mental fast...

Today Saturday or tomorrow Sunday, take an hour or two or even the whole day and observe (not TV or radio or read) others but no thought, keep the mind calm. peaceful, no reactions, or actions, no speaking.

I like to sit comfortably and watch the sunset on the beach - or woods, or over the Addison airport; letting the mind be quiet.

Turn off the mind, chatter switch.

You may find a whole new way of knowing...
beyond the mind, where it can't conceive of going is....

well you just have to experience it.

How can a Mozart compose as a child?

A regular guy - do complex math automatically - with out training and with slowing down of the processing in school by the need of the teacher to "show your work?"

Their is lightning fast brain that with patience, training, and recognition, and practice is so much faster than our chattering minds...

Yogis would demonstrate doing 10 things at once...

You are familiar with putting an unsolvable problem aside at bed time, shutting off the chattering mind, and directing the companion self ( so called subconscious mind) to solve this unsolvable problem for you and deliver this solution when I wake up. Or, on my morning walk, or brain dump (writing down all the stuff I can think of, daily to get it out of the way)or in the shower.

Those successful of you who know this secret of using this higher source of inspiration, solutions, carry a note book and pen or like me a small recorder... so when driving...

Fasting or defragging your hard drive periodically, is great... to go faster, more effective, more peaceful, cheerful, more easily...

To Fast
let many things go Slow now and then - give it a rest...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Honesty is best policy....

Even the auto makers had dishonesty all over them, when they first came to congress...

The CEO 's couldn't even tell the Senators how much money they needed and when...

If they did not have accurate information - who would?  Enron's bookkeepers maybe?

Michael Moore has put out a wonderful solution this mess -- Google him and see for your self...
He mentions that " one could purchase every share of common stock in GM for less than 3 billion.  Why would give GM $18 Billion , or $25 Billion, or anything? The automakers policy seems to lay off people to protect profits....
I find common sense, reality, and honesty in his suggestions on this matter...great reading - thank you Michael Moore.

An honest days wage fro a honest days work - we have heard these slogans for years...

The ancient principals we are discussing in this blog are nothing new.

King Salomon taught them to all who would listen and can be read right in the Old Testament - Psalms - Songs of Salomon...

but what is the most lacking of all of our principals ?

Honesty ~ it's a tricky subject..
In an International survey completed in the last several years, Honesty was the most sought after trait.

Employers deemed it highest in what they look for in an employee.

~yes it means not stealing,
~delivering what you promise, (to yourself too, now...)
~Telling the truth and on and on...

But did you consider this one:
simple would you keep a copier around that would duplicate exactly what you put in?

why would you keep an employee around that
~when you gave them an order, request etc., etc., to do a thing they did something else?
~would you order from a company who showed a picture of a red pen flashlight, and sent you blue one?
 (bait & switch is illegal now)
~ would you do business with a company that said they would install it by 3 PM same day - showing up 2 days later?

You see Honesty = dependability, this generates Trust

Read the best selling sales books over that last 50 -60 years and you'll see one thing sticks out...
you have to be honest.

You have to be honest even no one else will know you are not... Why???

Because someone does know: you or YOU and your subconscious...

It doesn't think and reason like you can - ~ but how many do...

Your subconscious is all powerful - it digests your food, pumps the blood, does waist management for the billions of cells in your body,It even communicates to the universe for you to bring you what you want.
It is amazing - I don't think it is subconscious at all,

I feel it is our companion self and we just don't see it...
because it is always there...

But it can't take a joke... it just takes you seriously...

so if you lie, cheat, and steal, take the short road not the best one, etc., etc., you are teaching your powerhouse - holder of all emotions, to do just that.

so you like the automakers will do so automatically...

Why buy an American car that won't work as well or as long and an import?
just to keep the economy going?
An economy that is built on the easy way, the dishonest way? It won't stand up... it just has no integrity.

Like pouring a concrete floor in building that only is up to code in a small section, the rest not being so will collapse under stress.

Just like we see today.... so if we build on the basis of Honesty well...

Growing more food in less time on less land has resulted in a world wide shortage of food.
the soil tended to naturally  will do so much, honestly delivering great food...

but we don't look at what takes the correct method we look at money first...

A better way:

When looking at doing anything:
ask first:  Is this needed? Will it be a benefit for many or even all?
Then ask: will it make money?

the money question has been put in the wrong order - one cannot put the eggs into a cake after it's been in the oven for a 1/2 hour...

Money?  Great Question - not a first question...

Getting the picture?

if you don't duplicate the cake recipe honestly - you don't get cake...

So, from Automating, to management, to cooking, to the privacy of your own self... if you want cake...

Honesty is the best policy...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lighten the load...

Good Medicine the red path folks call it...

Lighten the load of those you meet:

And old Indian medicine man and a lady friend were going into a busy restaurant to eat brunch.

Nothing fancy but a nice comfortable place - sort of like the old 'Steak and Ale' or 'Cracker Barrel'.

Nice decorations but the mood was depressed.

The Old Indian gave his name and they sat down to wait to be called to a table...

With the smoke and din of the chatter no one heard
-really anyway -
the hostess announce softly in disbelief:

"Buffalo Chips -party of 2..."

The Old medicine man put in arm on my friends shoulder - gently as if to say hold on minute - not just yet...

well in about 3 minutes the hostess now a bit braver:

called "Buffalo Chips -party of 2... "

A few of the eaters now looked at each other to see if they had heard that right...

Still the hand on the shoulder...

another minute and the now confident hostess sang out:

"Buffalo Chips - a party of 2... "

now the place was in merry laughter....

with a twinkle in his eye his hand moved down to take her arm
as they stood up, and were led to their table...

Lighten the load of others - but remember to lighten yours too...

Smile a little

Share a bit of that peace with others...

hold your inner garbage for the shrink, god, or meditation, and

a bit of joy to others....

You will be laughing too.... and the garbage will be have been taken out....

Smiles & Chuckles...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Walking on Water...

Buddha, reporters say, came to a calm river bank.

His path was on the other side of this river.
As he pulled out the required coin from his small purse,
and paying the ferry man,

A strange man ran up and said hey you powerful being, why pay?
I can Walk on the water - 'I'll show you who is more advanced'.
and ran over to the other side on the water, to wait and gloat over his victory over Buddha....

Slowly the ferry reached the other side, Buddha thanked the ferry man for his time, and stepped back on to the shore.

This mouthy stranger, showing off his powers and looking for acknowledgement of his superior spiritual powers, confronted Buddha - "see how fast I got here?"

Buddha acknowledged his rapidity, and said: "it takes great energy to water on the water. I got here for only a nickle.... "


is needed in the beginning, the middle and the end of our spiritual journies.

Conservation: = green planet..

Happiest of Days...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Take the short cut...

The short cut is the quickest way most effective way...
yes always true...

If one considers all the factors, this is true.

If your outcome is to get say money the fastest way possible
you may decide to rob a bank, or hack a bank...
but have you considered what would happen if you were caught?

How to enjoy money from inside the iron bars? oh, well
drawing board...

sometimes taking the time to become a doctor - do the internship - start the practice -
master the practice - expand the practice - franchise the practice...
may be the quickest way to your goals --

So to take the short cut - take the time required to do some planing
Know your outcome -
Make the plan-
keep these in View = KIV

and do the daily steps and you will get there..

get some help and advise from professionals along the way
or study with a mentor.

Do self improvement. 

Monday, December 1, 2008

Keeping on...

sometimes we are just to tired to walk on.

Great take a nap ~ if you are safe..

other times just keep on putting one foot in front of the other.

When you give your word.... do it.

You will feel better for it.

I am tired today, I did this blog anyway..

so I go to sleep happy that I keep my word.
and tomorrow my companion helper,
my so called subconscious will be ready for a really great day....
because I kept my word to myself...

I met my minimum standards today.

I took the time to study what I said I would.
to write what I said I would.
to do what I said I would.

There are few things I could move to tomorrow
so I could get these done today...

KIV and Keep your word...

Make you world your way.

Happy eve.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Common Sense...

Everyone thinks they have it..

(if so why would a mother, eat a hamburger, smoke cigarette, and drive a stick shift from a red light all at the same time ~ with her baby in the car? ? ? Really ? yea no joke...

Dirty Harry (Clint E) said it best: " A man's got to know his limitations"
He finds this out in these movies from constant and never ending improvement - 'CANI'
by daily practice.

All of these basis of yoga or life are just the basics and common sense is one of them...
Think you can fly off of building? try it, but not while you are on LSD. it kills common sense.

Cannabis kills common sense, people who plan while smoking the stuff think they have the next Google all set up. Then a few days later they can see (if they come down and clean it out of their systems) they see it as "What was I thinking?"

I think a lot of the so called modern art is made this way.

Develop common sense by lots of practice and drills, read "Rainbow 6" this what they do all the time is drill.
Fireman have their drills in specially built buildings to put on fire and practice fighting the out...
this stuff is dangerous, fire is really dangerous see 'Back Draft' and others.

Is driving any less dangerous? Why try it high?
why go though life stoned?

Common sense... can be modeled an learned if you figure out that you don't have it...
go study under a master like Zorro learn when and how to act to accomplish your target goals.

Thank God !...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Deep Wells = freshest waters

Taking the time needed to dig a deep well
is worth the effort for years to come.

Ground water is more polluted today and the water table is dropping.
It takes more effort to go back in and re-dig a well...
Much better to dig it very deep from the start..

Persistency & Consistency are needed.

One has to dig long enough and in the correct manner to find sweet water.
If one digs a little here, then a little there, and a little more over there...
you will guarantee nada = no drinkable water.

So, when you study something like in High School or College - you are only digging a little here and a little there. This only familiarity not mastery and = no sweet water. You would need grad school to really get into a subject. It takes many years of specialty schooling to be a doctor or a lawyer. Then you will have to also do an internship for a couple of years more.

Business is like this too: People flock to McDonald's because they offer the exact same sandwich or burger at every location and at the same time of day= Consistency, and same time and place.
If you went to a restaurant and it was delicious one day and horrible with too much salt the next, then over cooked the next day and so on - how many time would you go back?

If you went to the store and they keep moving the aisles around so the milk was on the left side of the store one day then in back the next, the right side the next - how many times would go there?

If you are a cook at home and have 4 kids, and every day another one rearranges the kitchen in different way - pots here one day, cereal here next - how long would you put up with this?

Every where Consistency makes our lives easier and simpler, and more desirable.
It takes persistency to create anything of value.

Yes it can be done faster in many ways with different technologies or newer ones:
A computer can have a million spread sheet entries or more for accounting now, a human cannot do this. Japanese revolutionized ship building putting millions out of work in English ship yards by introducing robots to do repetitive welds, and standardised sections of steal. These robots created more consistent results than the humans could.
The result? Better built ships in less time and at lower cost.

Which ones would you buy?

It takes Persistence to master anything.
And then Consistency to make it lasting.

then steps are
1-hear about a subject = football...
2-Read about it, watch a video about it
3-Play touch football as a kid
4-Play with pads in high school, begin to use light weights
5-Play in college and work out heavier
6- get into Pro ball and work your buns off

This is very different from an ignorant HS kid that thinks he knows all about the game because he studied it in phys-ed.

We do our students a great injustice today in public schools - we give them a degree and lead them to believe that they know the English language or math, or science. And led to believe that they are ready for life... NOT!

We need some new blend of the old way of apprenticeship as with the great masters like Leonardo, and Steve Jobs - these guys didn't work 9-5. They attained mastery and made their students masters as well.

What ever you do brick laying or creating the next My Space site.

so what ever you do--
Consistency are the tools of the Masters.

Use them well (pardon the pun)

PS I read the Sun Rise on Colin's site 'Tiger Swami'

It inspired me to write this today - hope you enjoyed...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Adapt, Adjust, Accommodate...

Sang Swami Shivananda,

"Bear insult, bear injury,...

highest yoga....

This where, when squeezed, we find out what is inside of us...
Is it orange juice or anger?

Taming our responses or rather reactions is easy if we live in a cave meditating.
We have to get out into the life of the unaware to see if we really are or not.

If we are called an ass by someone ~ inquire who am I? have I grown ears?
Have I behaved as one? If so maybe I need to be able to respond:

Think before I speak and consider my words and their effect on others.

It is said today that words create what we are - I don't think so ~ in all cases...
could there be more behind this?

Look at actors, and orators, and politicians. We hear a lot of promises and see some thing else created.

But take actors, when they are screaming foul things on stage or Shakespeare and "out out deep spot" do they create what they are saying and living on stage?

I don't see that.

I feel that we need to be careful of our words we speak not to do harm to others nor to create outcomes we don't want. ie: a child has a gun we say smilingly, gently: "please put the gun down"
or do we react and say "You stupid shi...p, dumn ass, creep, put that thing down" which is more effective?

One can always talk about things later calmly when the danger is over.

Creating our existence with words requires believing the words, I feel. Putting emotions of certainty along with the phrase.

Try this: I love receiving money..

People just love giving me money.

People send me mail sacks full of money M-Sat !

How does that make you feel?

I just light up.

so when others spit at you, if you can relax, you have this basis down pat...

If you find yourself reacting inside...

Try inquiry: "Who am I?" and could be going on in their lives?
could they must be in pain? Are the really crying for help?
Blaming others for what they cant' stand in themselves?

Do the have a kept they don't want to tell you about? so they are critical?

If a karate warrior hits towards you... a judo master can redirect their energy thrust in a new direction, throwing them on the ground.. (with only a small finger)

See the Zorro movie where Anthony Hopkins uses his walking stick to defeat Antonio Banderas when second time meet.

Keep beaming ! Sticks and stones...


Thursday, November 27, 2008

A little less = A lot more...

Happy thanksgiving! To you and yours:

Here's a way to enjoy the holidays,
while keeping up your yoga discipline or practice:

Eat what ever you would normally eat today;
Eat just a little less !
You will feel better and you won't miss it.

How? OK:
Take you main dish whether it is tofu Turkey or the Real Thing;
put it on your plate.
Eat all of it that you normally would just eat one bite less.

Mashed potatoes:
Put it on;
One bite less.

put them on you plate;
one bite less of each of them.

Remember the vow you took at the beginning of the year - January something?
to be more moderate in eating, loose weight and all that?

Here's your chance to rule your life again - Yep today - NOW !
or will you wimp out and let your tong rule?

Your choice.

Remember Dubai wasn't built in a day :-)

Moderation is the way, little steps daily
Moderation is the way,

Happy thanksgiving.

(Gee maybe now the Bankers & car folks will now practice moderation too? !)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


KIV right ya'all !?  Keep in View right,

When you have a long range target or a goal, you will have many steps along the way.

Look at each step at the end of every day:

1- Identify what worked you ~ Celebrate it. Be Thankful for it...

2- Identify what didn't work for you, or where you went off target.

3-What would you like to see more of?
    Maybe a Better attitude here or there,
    A more timely action, such as paying your people on time (builds trust)
    In other words what could you do better in the days to come?

to bring even more thankfulness.

Then you go to bed happy today

And you'll be happily on the way to your target.

Happy Thanksgiving...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Never, Never, Never...

Yesterday I mentioned:
"think then act"
so that we would be conscious in our acting...

Well my battery went dead in my Camry.

so I went to Wal-mart where I had heard I could get a good 3 year battery.

I go there all the time for some food items,

so I was thinking of the battery - (think first right?)
and drove straight into my normal parking area, turned off the car. and

Oh ! It won't start now. and It didn't - where I needed to go was the
car area 300 yards away to get my dead battery looked at and replaced...

so I had to wait for AAA to come an jump start me again!

so what went wrong?

I wasn't thinking about the present outcome or mini goal or step ...

I was thinking about which battery to buy.
so I ended up in HABITUAL place.
habit got me....

it only cost me 1 1/2 of waiting --

I read in Tiger Swami about KIV keep in view

I failed to that in a timely manner.

So the other basic of increasing our consciousness it to Be Here NOW...
fully aware and the navigator of our lives..

Message: we fall down, fail, OK fine - just pick ourselves up and keep on going...

Never, Never, Never. give up....

Cheery day...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Take what you need...

To progress easily we need health. Sickness just slows us down.

There is a cycle many live in today - in the USA...

That is the Boga, Roga, Yoga cycle.

Could be called Samsara the cycle of birth and death of the Buddhists.

What is this cycle?

Boga = enjoyment (if to extreme we get)
Roga = suffering or disease (could be a simple as gas, usually pain so we go to)
Yoga = union or joining with the higher way the path to health first then balance, then Truth or Knowledge.
       (I got this off the tiger swami blog  good inspiration for me)

habits or the routine is stagnation, they rule most of our lives now.

thank goodness too - riding a bike and driving a stick shift is easy now...good habits like brushing our teeth.

bad habits like negative thinking - yep this is a habit, smoking, speaking ill of others, letting our minds seek too much pleasure, drinking pop or soda instead of water....

We need to have no white sugar in us - book 'Sugar Blues'
but it is everywhere today...
Like the Kings of a few centuries ago they killed their healers so they could have there money from sugar and  creating an addiction.

Cigarettes are bad for us? I don't think as bad as the sugar used to 'cure' the tobacco and put in for taste. The American Indians did not do this - thy used natural tobacco leaves.

do no harm is the basis of the higher way of life, or nonviolence.

Isn't putting something into your body that will harm you - doing violence to yourself?
thinking negative thoughts about yourself or another? Isn't this also harming yourself?

so we need to know what is causing us the real pain.
Mostly our un-inspected habits.

TV commercials program us walk like zombies, spend our hard earned money (instead of saving it)
and demand drugs from our DR's even ignoring the warnings on the ads.

Why put harmful things into your body?  Because they say so...

Ah ! the because 'frame'   this NLP has shown is an automatic key to drop your natural bull shi.... defence tean age questioning and just accept it as so....

If an add says because or some form of that word what out - question it...

you are more stuck in the endless cycle of Samsara or Enjoy, sickness, struggel back to health.

Humm not a bad business  plan.. jee has anyone thought of this?

1 We have commercials developing habits of mindless enjoyment,
2 people getting sick and beleiving it is just natural to get a cold, flue, heart attack,
3 People stealing your retierment account to make you well...

instead of garlick which cures all know pathogins but does no harm to body (except make you horny wtih bad breath :-) ) the give you alka-seltzer (sodium bicarbonate is cheep) tums, open heart surgery, chemo...

If we just take what we need like the American Indian Shamans taught - kill with respect and use the whole animal ~ or go vegetarian  ~ uses much less land, much less water, much less resources and gives better nutrition....

This simple basic of do no harm or non violence is really a vast topic.

Break your habits by self inspection - journal your daily actions, your food, your good days, bad days.

Then change your bad habits to good ones...

Oh by the way the middle path in my opinion include savings  one should have 6 months in cash saved?
do you? A good challange  to all us.

'Take what you need'   why take enough water to float a battle ship ? - for one pound of meat - yep
see John Robbins 'Diet for new America' vegetarian uses much less water....

think first -  then act.. more effective than the other way around...

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Deep dark chocolate cake is rich...
though not very good for meditation..

Garlic & onions are delicious, and make the mind restless;
they are healthy, killing all know pathogens, and leaving all that is beneficial to us.
~Difficult for meditation for the mine will wander lustfully.

So what to eat?

What is your outcome?

This is what one needs to know before any plan for anything may be set.
If you are driving need to know where you want to drive to, have plan (map) and the resources to get there (car, gas, oil, motel, food, etc.,)

If it is meditation you want: certain foods are better than others.
If celibacy is your thing, avoid the garlic onions too.

The foundation of non violence is about not killing something to eat it. In the east it is vegetarian in the path of meditation. There for the Kings hunting was fine, a different path, so was war, see the Bhagavad Gita.

The red path honors the prey before consuming it and kills only for food.

so you must know what you want as an out come before you begin the path to


May you live your dream...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Miso fine...

Miso soup is a basic for Japanese meals. It is said to be very yang to get you going in the morning. So, it is eaten first.

This is made from fermenting soybeans and other foods, for long periods up to 1 1/2 years and more.  This 18 month variety is said to have protected the Hiroshima victims that ate it and brown rice from the effects of radiation poisoning. 

Try this:

~2 cups water (good water)
~1 small carrot cut into match sticks
~1/2 small onion choped
~1 inch piece of Kambu
~1 scallion sliced thin
~1 heaping table spoon of your favorite miso

bring the water to a boil, add the onion,and Kambu, simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.
Ad the carrots and white scallions simmer on low for 5 more minutes.
Remove form heat. Remove about 1/2 cup of mostly broth and mix in the miso keep slowly pushing on it and scraping a folk side to side on the miso, until it dissolves out of paste form.

Ad back to the soup but never cook miso...
Serve immediately ~ you may like to top it off with the green scallion tops and some cilantro...

This is great way to help observe your non violence, no animal products.
After about 15 minutes have some brown rice and veggies.

Enjoy the Day...

Friday, November 21, 2008

All In...

Well Friday ! Yea ? !

if so maybe you haven't found your footing, your calling, ~doing what you really enjoy...

Happiness comes from setting a path and walking along it, seeing the sign posts along the way.

But if you get to your goal...

Then celebrate for a day or two.. and set a bigger one.

Plan it out and work towards it...

Or you'll never be truly happy.

this is because life is movement, not a stagnant position.

What is Depression?  aside from rotten eating habits, sleep etc. it is the end of game
phenomena... It is what happens to retired folks ~ many die so after they retire.

You do need days of rest of doing nothing, not even TV, now and then.

When I lived in NY City  I found I had to get out for the weekend at least every other weekend.
Or I lost perspective.

So during the week maybe you want to re set it up - i.e.: work 4, 10 hour days or 3, 12 hour days.
and something else you schedule in the other days.

if you let time go it will take you nowhere, or wherever...

I know one nice lady who stuck out her thumb and sailed around the world, she also wanted many varied sexual experiences too; she got both and it cost her nothing. She just laid out her end goal and had a plan and followed it.

What out come do you want?
Be honest with yourself.
Get help working out your goals.
keep your day job - till you find your path.
Then walk the path...

from a life huger.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The List...

Keeping yourself honest...

what promises have you made this week?
~To Your Boss?
~Your family?
~Your friends?
~Your co-workers?
~Team members?

I yi yieee !

How many promises?

Well one more major one...
~To Yourself !

who knows?
well professionals in the front of a room do because they hire folks to sit in the back of the room a note down the promises they make to the audience. Like I will have that handout right after lunch for you. Or if you order now you'll get an additional 20% discount.

The only way to know if you made a promise is keep a running list.
then you can keep yourself on track.

remember if you want to get ahead folks have to trust you.
To trust you they will expect you to keep your promises even the ones that say
I'll be there at 8:15 Am  (be there at 8:14 AM)  even a minute late shows you lied - you know this.

so keep the list
and speak your promises to others in a reasonable time frame so that you can perform to your better standards..

Cheery day...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Want to be free?

free from what?

El Norte has a message that requires relocation.

But once you are physically free...
Free from what or to do what????

easy from the tyranny of your own habits and habits of negative thoughts or wrong thinking...

To gain control of your mind ~ you must train it that you are in control...


Look at the chocolate cake? or another that you just really love. can you just look at it? not eat it?
Then you are in control if you have to eat it then ...
your tong is in control or your habits or the bugs with you for a sugar fix...

to control this you must:
~1 decide you want to be free...
~2 You be the boss of what goes into your mouth -
~3 You be the boss of what comes out of your mouth...this is most important.

Try this you call the shots
when it goes differently

have a rubber band around your wrist and snap it !

Let your innards know you are in command.

This is the ultimate game - do you want to win it?

Cheery day

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Ruling Class...

What rules the area you live in?
the area you work in?
your life?

It may be your boss ~ until you find your own path

Could be the government ~ until you discover self reliance.

Maybe your children or your spouse ~ until you know your self...

What is the way to become all knowing?
all seeing?
all feeling?

there are 8 Beams

8 rays of light &

8 Supports on which to stand.

Here we will cover the time proven methods.

so your legs will hold you, when you are ready to walk, and run.

Till then keep your day job, do you job what ever it may be that you have accepted...

then study in your spare time  --What?  Who?

Study what interests you ... as streams run to a river and all rivers to the one Ocean...

All paths lead to Rome.

Here's what I have learned:  take what ever path God has for you...
maybe its a doctor, lawyer, or Indian Chef,
a creator of good or a destroyer of many
a sex therapist or a prostitute...
~ do it well, learn it well, Master your craft
and be open to when your inner light dawns to raise you..

Mother Theresa was in her 60's before God revealed her path to her - before then she was a very good Nun, serving as directed by man... After she was inspired by God, and she in turn inspired the world, to be better place.

What will you do?
nothing if you don't give it your all...

Be the best you can be...

lets find the way...