Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's all in the stars...

yep, but what if you want to change your stars?
jee, can one do that?

Well, has anyone we can study?
hummm... well Parmahamsa Yogananda did just that...

He was supposed to have married several times and done this and that...
- He decided he would be a monk- and create many things to benefit humanity...
~He did just that - will his will power. KIV...

The Autobiography of a Yogi started me off on my path.
Colin over at Tiger Swami - mentioned he did as well...

Colin told me he even locates people by using his antennas like Yogananda did in his book to find someone he was looking for...

So go with your path that God has placed you on, or change it when you are divinely inspired to do so..

Yogananda even asked his astrologers the worst time to begin a project and that is when he would start it, carry it through to completion, and begin another - just to show to himself that he could do anything he put his mind to. ( FOCUS on KIV= keep in view -Tiger Swami)

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