Saturday, December 6, 2008


Fasting is an interesting word - it does make you go faster...

Strange as it implies giving something up
such as food.

Well with computers we can understand how this would work...
If we have say 8 programs running all at once it may be slowing down the operating speed.
so closing some of these programs ~ for a while ~fasting = faster processing.

Our bodies are the same.
We eat more than we can digest (process) = slower, sluggish, gas, acid reflux etc., etc.
We fast on lemon juice - say for a day or two or 4 a month = we have more energy = we go faster, think faster to...

Our brains are usually in a random search mode, hopping from subject to another, following threads of info, (Oh, that reminds me of ...) and off we go..

Lost focus. This is just a habit; and it is an energy waste.
Think of your driving down the freeway at 70 miles an hour and you put the cruise control on
= best gas mileage - right? more efficient - right?
OK, now if you drove your car like you let your mind drive (and it is driving and not you - it is in a crazy cruise control habit); you drive 78 then 54 then 92 then 43 and so on... what are the relults?

= ridiculous gas mileage, increased costs, saps, your savings, steals from your future and ....

you get the idea.

so take a mental fast...

Today Saturday or tomorrow Sunday, take an hour or two or even the whole day and observe (not TV or radio or read) others but no thought, keep the mind calm. peaceful, no reactions, or actions, no speaking.

I like to sit comfortably and watch the sunset on the beach - or woods, or over the Addison airport; letting the mind be quiet.

Turn off the mind, chatter switch.

You may find a whole new way of knowing...
beyond the mind, where it can't conceive of going is....

well you just have to experience it.

How can a Mozart compose as a child?

A regular guy - do complex math automatically - with out training and with slowing down of the processing in school by the need of the teacher to "show your work?"

Their is lightning fast brain that with patience, training, and recognition, and practice is so much faster than our chattering minds...

Yogis would demonstrate doing 10 things at once...

You are familiar with putting an unsolvable problem aside at bed time, shutting off the chattering mind, and directing the companion self ( so called subconscious mind) to solve this unsolvable problem for you and deliver this solution when I wake up. Or, on my morning walk, or brain dump (writing down all the stuff I can think of, daily to get it out of the way)or in the shower.

Those successful of you who know this secret of using this higher source of inspiration, solutions, carry a note book and pen or like me a small recorder... so when driving...

Fasting or defragging your hard drive periodically, is great... to go faster, more effective, more peaceful, cheerful, more easily...

To Fast
let many things go Slow now and then - give it a rest...

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