Friday, December 5, 2008

Honesty is best policy....

Even the auto makers had dishonesty all over them, when they first came to congress...

The CEO 's couldn't even tell the Senators how much money they needed and when...

If they did not have accurate information - who would?  Enron's bookkeepers maybe?

Michael Moore has put out a wonderful solution this mess -- Google him and see for your self...
He mentions that " one could purchase every share of common stock in GM for less than 3 billion.  Why would give GM $18 Billion , or $25 Billion, or anything? The automakers policy seems to lay off people to protect profits....
I find common sense, reality, and honesty in his suggestions on this matter...great reading - thank you Michael Moore.

An honest days wage fro a honest days work - we have heard these slogans for years...

The ancient principals we are discussing in this blog are nothing new.

King Salomon taught them to all who would listen and can be read right in the Old Testament - Psalms - Songs of Salomon...

but what is the most lacking of all of our principals ?

Honesty ~ it's a tricky subject..
In an International survey completed in the last several years, Honesty was the most sought after trait.

Employers deemed it highest in what they look for in an employee.

~yes it means not stealing,
~delivering what you promise, (to yourself too, now...)
~Telling the truth and on and on...

But did you consider this one:
simple would you keep a copier around that would duplicate exactly what you put in?

why would you keep an employee around that
~when you gave them an order, request etc., etc., to do a thing they did something else?
~would you order from a company who showed a picture of a red pen flashlight, and sent you blue one?
 (bait & switch is illegal now)
~ would you do business with a company that said they would install it by 3 PM same day - showing up 2 days later?

You see Honesty = dependability, this generates Trust

Read the best selling sales books over that last 50 -60 years and you'll see one thing sticks out...
you have to be honest.

You have to be honest even no one else will know you are not... Why???

Because someone does know: you or YOU and your subconscious...

It doesn't think and reason like you can - ~ but how many do...

Your subconscious is all powerful - it digests your food, pumps the blood, does waist management for the billions of cells in your body,It even communicates to the universe for you to bring you what you want.
It is amazing - I don't think it is subconscious at all,

I feel it is our companion self and we just don't see it...
because it is always there...

But it can't take a joke... it just takes you seriously...

so if you lie, cheat, and steal, take the short road not the best one, etc., etc., you are teaching your powerhouse - holder of all emotions, to do just that.

so you like the automakers will do so automatically...

Why buy an American car that won't work as well or as long and an import?
just to keep the economy going?
An economy that is built on the easy way, the dishonest way? It won't stand up... it just has no integrity.

Like pouring a concrete floor in building that only is up to code in a small section, the rest not being so will collapse under stress.

Just like we see today.... so if we build on the basis of Honesty well...

Growing more food in less time on less land has resulted in a world wide shortage of food.
the soil tended to naturally  will do so much, honestly delivering great food...

but we don't look at what takes the correct method we look at money first...

A better way:

When looking at doing anything:
ask first:  Is this needed? Will it be a benefit for many or even all?
Then ask: will it make money?

the money question has been put in the wrong order - one cannot put the eggs into a cake after it's been in the oven for a 1/2 hour...

Money?  Great Question - not a first question...

Getting the picture?

if you don't duplicate the cake recipe honestly - you don't get cake...

So, from Automating, to management, to cooking, to the privacy of your own self... if you want cake...

Honesty is the best policy...

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