Today is the day the earth stops tilting southward...
like you come to stop sign , look both ways then go on your way...
Today the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn...
Having looked far down the road...Judgin our effectiveness of the past year...
with sun in Sagitarious now leaving it...Capricorn is about setting down strong roots,
to grown tall and strong..
this in Western Astrology.
This gives us in the Northern latitudes, the longest day - 4 seconds longer than yesterday.
Tomorrow the Sun will appear to begin it's journey back north and the shortest day
~June the Summer Solstice...
Why do we celebrate this time of year?
probably because it is cold...and dark for a long time...
and until radio, TV, Internet came along we had little to do...
Couldn't even have much sex in the house with kids, grandma and all..
so my guess is having the holidays now got all these folks with something to do,
cook, decorate, make gifts for each other...
stories to tell by the fire...
But is it much different? energy wise?
Well for some it is difficult for sure ~ the lack of sunlight and vitamin D
really gets to them - more illness, more mental fatigue...
So we, in the Northern countries of the West,
are programed now for the celebrations we have grown up with..
What ever the real reason was
~ it is party time,
family time,
HOLY Time,
Buy Gifts Time
Make gifts time...
get sad time...(for some)
get drunk time (for some)
Meditation time
Prayer time...
Goal Setting time for the new year...
What ever you do it is your choice...
I celebrate your right to make that choice...
I celebrate your path in consciousness raising celebration...
Happiest of Days...
Heal your body as you sleep
10 years ago
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