Sunday, December 7, 2008

Seek good counsel..

Satsang (a)
Hanging out with the wise
This is a principle Tony Robbins refers to as modeling.
a very old principle indeed...

Our minds are like monkeys - monkey see monkey do... Right?

So, read great peoples comments, when you need advice seek out the best advisers.
Our president elect is setting up his cabinet along these lines right now...

so if you want good results, go to good people who have mastered producing the results you want to have...

An old way finding good advise was to take a holy book or recognized book of authority,
place it spine done on the table,
let it go
read where ever it opens up to...
oops yep ask your question first...

It has been said that statistics don't lie -statisticians do...
continue this:
Astrology doesn't lie - astrologers do --
the law doesn't lie - lawyers do (expert Perry Mason... & others like him - I know a few)

So, the point is: the quality of the advisor that you want.

A mundane astrologer can tell you when win a war, get married (or not), do biz with this person or not etc. but they can't read for your spirit...

A mental astrologer or a psychological one can read for the above and your mental well being.

A spiritual astrologer can read all the above (but may not do so by choice) but can show you the best way for your spiritual growth.

Yogi Bahjan taught martial arts, and marital arts, and yoga to his followers.

Paramahamsa Yogananda taught love and devotion, to his.

Vivekananda taught truth and Intellectual yoga to his.

Swami Shivananda taught all forms of yoga.

All of these are incredible masters but one may be better for your temperament and path...

And none of them may your path... Yours maybe the military path, fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan...

I know one man who entered WWII and lied about his age - he wasn't old enough.
Yet in north Africa against Rommel, the Desert Fox: he was the sole survivor of his massacred unit.

The Israelis latter recruited him to teach their troops what ever he knew....

He is now a Shaman, and a Bishop in the First Church of Antioch. and bullets are said to have just past right through him...
Truth or .... well I won't test him... but he can effectively block a punch...

Pre -Paid legal is an inexpensive quality legal service where you can get quality advise, on legal & business matters .

There are many good advisers out there. There are many bad ones too..

Which kind will you be?

Do you drag your students to a conclusion? or do you let them make there own?
Do you help them make there own?

Teaching is about bringing out what is already in there releasing the inherant knowledge.
Not about 'training' this is different: Training is about building skills for a specific task, or job.
A trainer is just like a dog trainer, getting to be competent at known level of expertise for a specific task - like in the military... or begining a 9-11 operator interfacing with the police and fire departments, lives depend on you...

So before you sign up for class, you need to take responsibility for your training...teaching..
you have to know your outcome... and then compare it with the outcome of class find out the goals of the teacher...

You need to take control your path...
get good advisers, some get this from within...

Wow a good day...

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