Thursday, November 27, 2008

A little less = A lot more...

Happy thanksgiving! To you and yours:

Here's a way to enjoy the holidays,
while keeping up your yoga discipline or practice:

Eat what ever you would normally eat today;
Eat just a little less !
You will feel better and you won't miss it.

How? OK:
Take you main dish whether it is tofu Turkey or the Real Thing;
put it on your plate.
Eat all of it that you normally would just eat one bite less.

Mashed potatoes:
Put it on;
One bite less.

put them on you plate;
one bite less of each of them.

Remember the vow you took at the beginning of the year - January something?
to be more moderate in eating, loose weight and all that?

Here's your chance to rule your life again - Yep today - NOW !
or will you wimp out and let your tong rule?

Your choice.

Remember Dubai wasn't built in a day :-)

Moderation is the way, little steps daily
Moderation is the way,

Happy thanksgiving.

(Gee maybe now the Bankers & car folks will now practice moderation too? !)

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