I think I would like to call him Martin - though this may offend some ~ none intended...
I like to think of him as a friend - just as I do with Christ.
I don't like the 'LORD thy GOD' stuff - you may - but not me...
I don't like the idea of a Feudal Jesus or God for that matter. You know one calling the shots of my life - like the ones that Caused William Wallace to revolt. I don't like putting people on a pedestal "10 feet tall and farting lightning bolts out (his) ass..."
I prefer the frame of 'Friend' a caring one who suggests things to me - the path - solutions - make comments not decrees for me to follow ~or not ~ as I believe this is my choice...
to be or not to be...
I believe the verses which claim dominion over the earth and created in his likeness - meaning the power of self awareness and decision making- as a steward, or Trustee-
I have the power of choice not to follow blindly - not to take and give orders, not to judge and be judged, but to understand, to know the 'why' of things; to make mistakes and there by discover the truth - that for me one way is better than another - based on the results of my choices.
Sometimes I even listen to my friends, but we can discuss what worked and what didn't. We can play with the solution together.
Are my choices in harmony with all of me - of who I am ? If my thought, word, and deed are all inline... then yes I believe so.
But who cares? me? sometimes...
but yes there is one who cares always - and that is my friends.
My friends always have my best interest (& not theirs) in mind and heart.
So Happy Birthday Martin
I know you did and do, still ....
Heal your body as you sleep
10 years ago
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