Thursday, January 15, 2009

Eat not what others like...

Eat what you know is good for your body...

How can I tell? Listen...

well this is getting easier...
Stand with feet together,arms down
or holding a test object latter - ie jar of nut butter...

with out anything to test first:
say Tell me how you want to say 'yes'
then say 'no'

you may get many responses
I get lean forward for 'yes'
lean backward for 'no'
then lean to the left side front for '????' i really don't know as yet what this one means...

then grab your jar of nut butter or....
hold up against your solar plexus or so...
and ask is this good for me?
shall I eat this now?

and so on...
check out the other 19 ways to stay healthy

Enjoy the quinoa

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