Everything you see here is made from Ice in
Harbin China Ice Sculptures and neon lights
Do you want to build your castle of Sand or Ice?
or in Harbin or Dubai?
As you build your long range target make it a big one; as the time you spend on it will the same as a small one...
will you light your Christmas tree? or the whole nation? I lit my tree this year... T. Boone Pickens has assemble near two million of us to light the nation with wind power, telling Obama this He is now telling America he will create jobs for the masses out of work...
We will depend much less on foreign oil, we will
create millions of jobs, make lotsa money,
have clean electricity for generations to come..
Build your Castle where neither wind, nor rain, nor flood, nor time can destroy it...
Seek yea first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else shall be added unto you..
Famous words...
Behold the power of creation.
with the Power of creation
what will you create?
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