Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nice 'N Juicy...

Keep it Juicy

We all love sweet juicy fruit

sweet water --

juicy kisses...

Juice is life...

it is flowing...

We like soft skin, not dry...

moist lips
-not cracking from dehydration...

please drink enough water...

How much? see the radio show...

Folks this time of year drink everything else but water...
coffee, tea, soda or pop, stuff with booze in it...
all of these actually take the water out of you...

herbal teas are fine,
have you tried ginger, pau darko, or Hawthorn berry?

Willard water in some purified or distilled water is great...

With all the eating this time of year egg nog and all
be sure to get your 6- 8 glasses of water in too...

Keep your body fluids juicy too - all of them;
if not...
get a bit of advice... but personally I prefer the natural methods...
no drugs..

Try a juicy apple

drink your water pure boiled 10 minutes if you don't have a distiller, or purifier


Unknown said...

Hydration is important. I drink water almost constantly….

holisticconnections said...
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Meso Fine said...

wonderful! happy to see your understanding of life, I have deep respect for you, my friend, as most today could not say that...sodapop an all.. Happy Holidays to you.